Hainan noni juice,OEM ,Wholesale
Noni brand distribution
N 22° -- Taiwan noni
N 18° -- China Haian noni,USA Hawaii Noni
N 15° -- Vietnam、Cambodia noni
N 15° -- Philippines noni
0° -- Indonesia noni
S 13.5° -- Samoa noni
S 17° -- Fiji noni
S 17° -- Tahiti noni
S 18° -- Australia noni
S 34° -- New Zealand noni
Noni Origin Distribution
The Cradle of Noni is in the vicinity of the equator.Because of the environment and climate, the farther from the equator, the worse the quality.Noni seed in one well grown fruit is about 70%.The less suitable the growth environment, the less the pulp, the more the seed,the ratio of the seed can reach more than 90%, the pulp is very little. Noni seed is hollow,its skin is very tough, kernel is only a little. Noni has a very strong vitality,can travel around the ocean.The adaptability of noni trees is very strong,they can grow in many different environments.Noni is widely distributed,north to 26.5° N of Okinawa, south to 35° S of New Zealand.It can grow well in shade forests, or in sunny open rocks, or on sandy shores.
Noni trees’ demand for the soil is not high,and the salt tolerance is high,can endure high salinity soil.Noni trees have strong drought tolerance, can grow in arid environment or secondary soil, also can grow in rich soil around the volcano area,or poor coastal lava and the bare limestone.Although noni is widely distributed, the qualities are very different.Modern agricultural technology uses chemical fertilizers, hormones and pesticides in great quantities and even can plant anywhere over 15 degrees.In indonesia--the Cradle of Noni, because of climate,soil and environment,noni trees can grow very well without using any modern agricultural technology,and can grow very well even in the residential area.
Planting stage of noni
The Noni fruit grows on a tree called « MORINDA CITRIFOLIA » (of the family of the Rubiaceas) that grows abundantly in Hainan tropical island ,which called estern Hawaii. It reaches maturity in less than two years and can reach up to 25 feet high.The tree bears flowers all year round and produce fruits on an average of 10 to 15 lbs per month which has made indigenous people call it the “famine food”. The fruit has a pungent odor when ripening, and is also known as cheese fruit.
The Noni fruit which when ripe has the size of an avocado undergoes three stages of maturity,It is at the final stage that it is harvested and pressed to produce as much juice as possible.
- The green stage when the fruit is as hard as a stone.
- The yellow stage (mid maturity) when the fruit is still firm.
- The final “white or gray” stage of maturity, when the fruit is very soft, full of juice and can easily be crushed.
What is noni juice of wglife
It is from Hainan ,N18-20 with sea,soil & suitable temperature planing. Wglife noni 100% PURE NONI juice, without any additives, is a natural traditional remedy which helps to stimulate the harmony and balance of the body organism, synonymous with good health and vitality
How to make noni juice
First we carefully hand-pick only the ripe noni fruit which is then carefully washed and put in large containers. The noni fruit is then fermented for 3-24month allowing the juice to naturally seep from the noni fruit. The stacked noni fruit becomes a natural press that lets the juice flow under the weight of all the ripe fruits. The pure noni juice is then strained several times and pasteurized in a way to preserve the most nutrients, vitamins, and especially keep the important enzymes active.
Benefits of Hainan Noni Juice
The Hainan Noni Fruit and Noni Juice are an integral part of the traditional natural remedies used by indigenous peoples . An essential element of the islands’ natural pharmacopeia, Noni Fruit has been used and passed down for generations. The Essential Noni Juice Benefit is that NONI promotes the equilibrium and balance that are so essential today for optimal health!
You may notice some of the following benefits, based on your needs:
- improved immune system
- free radical mitigation
- toxin neutralization
- powerful natural analgesic with anti-inflammatory properties
- potent antioxidants which guard and repair body cells
- natural laxative
- natural traditional remedy which helps to stimulate the harmony and balance of the body organism, synonymous with good health and vitality.
Noni, (Morinda Citrifolia) was originally used to treat diabetes, high blood pressure and heart problems. Though we do not make any claims that Noni actually and single-handedly cures diseases or ailments, we do know that people taking Noni as directed have reported experiencing noticeable and, in many instances, remarkable results in their various conditions.
Noni can be taken internally in the form of juice or capsules, or used topically in the forms of lotion, or soap.
Noni has a variety of uses. The results of many scientific studies support the belief that regular Noni use can help promote good health.
Wglife Noni Juice -Hainan 100% Pure Noni Juice
Both conventional & Certified Organic Noni Juice
We have been farming noni and making noni juice on Hainan Island since year 2004. From the noni plants’ beginnings with soil,moisture & termperature which is just like Hawaii .Our noni trees are growing in their natural habitat on the lava flows along the ocean's coast. We can make pure bulk shipment noni juice and bottled 100% noni juice, we can guarantee the quality and potency of our Noni Juice.We are committed to providing the purest and most potent noni juice in the world. Our noni juice is totally virgin - untouched, unaltered, guaranteed 100% additive free with no preservatives, no colors, no water, no sugar, no fruit juice or other flavors added. Noni Juice is made from fresh, hand-picked, fully ripe, naturally grown noni fruit! We use only the highest quality fully-ripe noni fruits that are carefully hand picked and then fermented for 3-24month allowing the noni juice to naturally seep from the fruit.
100% Pure Noni Juice
No Sweeteners
Not Fermented
No Added Water
No Preservatives
Flash Pasteurized
Aseptically Bottled
Noni Is The Only Ingredient!
Made in Hainan From Hand Selected Ripe Fruit
Sustainably Cultivated On Over 80 Local Family Farms
Great Source Of:
Vitamin C
We also in the supplying with raw material of puree, slice, concentrate to meet the use of all clients in the world.
Package & Storage:
Shelf life 2 years
Package Bulk 1000kg IBC Tank
50ml or 500ml or 750ml bottle
30ml or 50ml pouch
storage: please keep in cool and dry place, sealed. please keep away from strong sunlight and heat.

Brand of WGLIFE
WGLIFE is a customized brand of HAINAN ZHONGXIN WANGUO CHMICAL CO., LTD., a professional natural raw material company with unique selection and quality control capabilities in cosmetics & healthcare.
WGLIFE is committed to provide a variety of worldwide customers with value-added services and procurement of functional,natural and healthy raw material.
It will be working on global sourcing, brand planing and OEM operation.